How can Life Cycle Engineering contribute with solutions and tools to meet the challenges in implementing the UN SDG targets

Wine-dine-discuss: CIRP LCE 25 year jubilee & SDG interactive session:

When: 30-April, 19.30-22.30 Arrival from 19.15 – 19.30. The introduction will start 19.30

Where: Tivoli hotel conference center, ground floor, roomsHarlekin” & “Columbine”

Session moderators: Michael Hauschild (Technical University of Denmark, DTU), Sami Kara (University of New South Wales, Sydney), Christoph Herrmann (Technical University Braunschweig), Wim Dewulf (KU Leuven) and staff from Division for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment (QSA), DTU Management Engineering


19:30 Introduction and expected outcome of the session (Michael Hauschild, conference chair)
19:35 How and why CIRP LCE started, 25 years of progress for LCE and looking ahead 
(Leo Alting, honorary chair and founder of the LCE conferences)
19:50 Outlining the challenges to meet SDGs and processes embedded in the evening’s interactive event
(Mikolaj Owsianiak, QSA) 
20:00 - 21:30  Dining and discussing concrete solutions to meet the SDG challenges in informal groups
21:30 - 21:45 Providing your input to the session’s ‘base of operations’ (Peter Fantke, Christine Molin, QSA)
22:15 Round-up and reporting the participants’ input, preliminary systematization of the solutions
(Alexis Laurent, QSA)
22:30 Networking and dining continued

Brief event description

Food & drink: the buffet in the lobby area just outside the room is open from 20:00 and throughout the event.

Session outline: while dining and networking, participants will be divided into informal groups of approx. 4 people, randomly just where you are sitting. You are also welcome to circulate between tables and groups during the event. On the tables, lists of shortlisted SDG targets and challenges are available. While dining, you discuss how Life Cycle Engineering can contribute with solutions & tools to meet one or more of the targets and challenges in implementing the selected SDG targets. The moderators will be available for support during the discussion.

One of the group participants should be able to access to the electronic reporting tool (further information is given on the big screens and during the introduction). Alternatively, paper cards are available on the tables for delivering your inputs. 

Each group reports the outcome of their discussion in terms of solutions and concrete tools via the electronic reporting tool or on handwritten cards (max 280 characters). Ideally, 1 comment/handwritten card per 1 solution/tool. More than 1 solution per challenge is fine.

The output from the session will be made available to all participants after the conference via the conference website.